The Storage T both unites and divides the apartment through a series of thresholds that mark the entrance to each of the three bedrooms in the apartment.
The Storage T both unites and divides the apartment through a series of thresholds that mark the entrance to each of the three bedrooms in the apartment.
Storage T
Apartment Renovation
Kowloon, Hong Kong
1,100 square feet
Completed 2019
Lap Chi Kwong, Alison Von Glinow
“Clean and tidy” were the only functional and aesthetic requirements given by our client. The status quo was not clean and tidy: cabinets, wardrobes, mismatched storage cabinets and boxes scattered all over the apartment.
The Storage T consolidates all of the household’s items within a storage system that is one with walls and doorways: storage becomes architecture. Rather than rely on part-to-whole storage products, the Storage T is an architectural device organizing the layout and contents of the apartment. As experienced, the Storage T unites the apartment through a series of thresholds, marking the entrance to and from each room.
“Design our home to be clean and tidy” was the only instruction given by our client for the 1,100 square foot renovation of their Hong Kong apartment.
With storage at a premium in Hong Kong, much of the family’s apartment was devoted to a heterogenous collection of storage furniture: wardrobes, chests, bookcases, and boxes.
The Storage T consolidates all of the household’s items within a single storage system that is one with walls and doorways. Storage becomes the architecture of the home.